Brought Trenyce to Alexandra Ikea last night. She was so busy posing at the lighting display area and kept asking me to "take photo here" ;D

There were also some very nice children's room decorations. We were so tempt to buy the furniture to decorate Trenyce's room. Well, unfortunately she doesnt has a room now so we get to save our pocket hehe :p We put Trenyce up onto one of the beds. She was admiring the little stars on the tent...

(2) United Square
We went to United Square this afternoon. Trenyce seems bored at home and become really restless, so we brought her to ToysRus. Of course, that would mean we would burn a small hole in our pocket :p Ater walking around for a while, Trenyce (a girl being a girl) becomes very interested in the kitchen section with all the cooking wares and etc. What caught her attention was the Macdonald set and Pizza Hut set. She hung around the area, looking intently at every piece of Mac and PH cute little miniatures, couldnt bear to move herself away. And finally, she broke out:"I want Macdonald plsss...." pleading us to get the toys for her. I was talking to hubby, deciding which set to get for her:
Me: (handing over the PH set to hubby) Mac set has too many paper pieces, she will spoil it in no time. PH set is better.
Hubby: (took the PH set and glanced thru the details) same lah. PH set also got paper pieces and Mac set seems to have more toys than PH set.
Me: (looked at the PH set again then Mac set) Oh yah hor. Ok loh, get the Mac set.
While we were discussing, Trenyce was already holding the PH set observing the little details of the pizza toys. By the time we made the decision to get the Mac set for her, which she wanted originally, she has already been "convinced" to get the PH set. She told us:" This one better (pointing to the PH set), that one too many paper (imitating me, referring to the Mac set)"
Really buay tahan this girl, hahaha...Nowadays, she can really imitate us very well :D
See this, she looks like she really can play piano yah? That's just a kiddy piano at ToysRus :p

1 comment:
Wah! Really look like a pianist leh!
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