Friday, February 09, 2007


I had problems getting Trenyce to take fruits nowadays. Not sure what exactly has happened. She use to take apples, oranges and bananas when she was younger and she enjoyed those fruits until she was about 18mths old...she refused fruits entirely, even her favourite daily dose of orange juice. We had to resort to feeding her (with spoon) in front of the television, as that diverts her attention away and makes our feeding job easier. Otherwise, the cup of orange juice would remain untouch.

Her refusal of the fruits coincides with the period after she recovered from a major flu/fever/cough (I called it 3-in-1 illiness), so I am not so sure if the fruity medicine has got anything to do with it. I really suspect that as we would usually coax her into taking medicine by saying the strawberry syrup (which is the medicine) very nice and sweet...blab blab....perhaps we have made things worst by making those statements?

I truly hope that this is just another phase of her toddlerhood and she will get over her fruits-phobia soon..... I am now trying to see how I can make fruits look more interesting and appetitising so that at least can tempt her to take some. Wokkingmum has just given me some tips to make mushroom apple :) Need to get the moulds to start working on it soon. Maybe I can also try making her favourite animals heh. Where can I get those moulds leh? hmm.....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wah, you mention me ah? Pai-say!
Btw, you can get animal shape cookie cutters from Shop & Save. I just got mine last week. They are in white plastic.

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