“The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.” ~~Morrie Schwartz~~
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
BabyCare Festival 2007
Operating Time:
Fri & Sat: 11am - 9pm
Sun: 11am - 8pm
According to their advertisement, "there will be loads of activities for little ones, mums and dads plus fab star buys on babycare products!" :p
You can visit their website for more details. Have fun! Cheers!
Moody Trenyce
She was almost tearing when I made her sleep and she couldnt answer me when I asked her whats wrong. In the end, I gotta make her sit on my lap and explained to her that mommy and daddy got to work and earn money home so as to bring her to zoo (err...not a very good reason but enough to pacify her) and buy her toys (i.e the pizza hut toys). And I told her to ask gonggong and ah ma to call us if she misses us and wants to speak to us. She seems to understand me and nodded her head, no longer tearing. Then I quietly patted her to sleep. So heartpain to see my little gal cry.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
New Blog

I have just started a new blog on cooking :P Not that I can cook very well but I am very inspired to cook well haha...Yeah, to also prepare myself to be a full-time SAHM in the near future (actually duno when hahaha :P)
I may be very slow in updating this blog in the beginning as I only have weekends to work on my recipes but I suppose if I dont ever start this blog, it will take forever for me to do something that I like (I suppose I am a person with plenty of interests but no hobbies :P). Ok, do give me your support so that I can continue this cooking journey yah :)
At the moment, I am using blogspot to host that blog though I find blogspot getting very "jammed" (sometimes having problems updating my blog and in the process wasted alot of precious time to wait or even rewrite) but I havnt got time to look for other blog providers. I wanted this blog to link with my parent blog so perhaps I will just stuck with blogspot if its gonna be very complicated to link up with other blog providers.
Ok, pls welcome *drums roll* MOMMY CAN COOK!

Saturday, February 24, 2007
Visit to Ikea & ToysRUs
Brought Trenyce to Alexandra Ikea last night. She was so busy posing at the lighting display area and kept asking me to "take photo here" ;D

There were also some very nice children's room decorations. We were so tempt to buy the furniture to decorate Trenyce's room. Well, unfortunately she doesnt has a room now so we get to save our pocket hehe :p We put Trenyce up onto one of the beds. She was admiring the little stars on the tent...

(2) United Square
We went to United Square this afternoon. Trenyce seems bored at home and become really restless, so we brought her to ToysRus. Of course, that would mean we would burn a small hole in our pocket :p Ater walking around for a while, Trenyce (a girl being a girl) becomes very interested in the kitchen section with all the cooking wares and etc. What caught her attention was the Macdonald set and Pizza Hut set. She hung around the area, looking intently at every piece of Mac and PH cute little miniatures, couldnt bear to move herself away. And finally, she broke out:"I want Macdonald plsss...." pleading us to get the toys for her. I was talking to hubby, deciding which set to get for her:
Me: (handing over the PH set to hubby) Mac set has too many paper pieces, she will spoil it in no time. PH set is better.
Hubby: (took the PH set and glanced thru the details) same lah. PH set also got paper pieces and Mac set seems to have more toys than PH set.
Me: (looked at the PH set again then Mac set) Oh yah hor. Ok loh, get the Mac set.
While we were discussing, Trenyce was already holding the PH set observing the little details of the pizza toys. By the time we made the decision to get the Mac set for her, which she wanted originally, she has already been "convinced" to get the PH set. She told us:" This one better (pointing to the PH set), that one too many paper (imitating me, referring to the Mac set)"
Really buay tahan this girl, hahaha...Nowadays, she can really imitate us very well :D
See this, she looks like she really can play piano yah? That's just a kiddy piano at ToysRus :p

Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Bolster Case
My little girl has this strange affection for strings since young. The bolster case she uses must come with strings and she will declare war with you for that by refusing to go to bed if you change hers to one without the strings. Nobody, including the grandparents, can make her sleep and she will wail and wail till you give in. It is not that I like to defy her wishes but the problem is you can hardly get bolster case replacements with strings nowadays as it mostly rubberized. What adds on to the tedious task of searching the stringy bolster case is because my little girl is using her baby bolster! (Well, actually she has 2 bolsters – the small baby bolster and big baby bolster. Eventually, I hope to upgrade her to the toddler bolster.) I have been searching everywhere, Robinsons, John Little, Kiddy Palace, Aussino Kids…etc almost anywhere selling babies/kiddies’ stuff that I passed by while shopping…
So one fine day, I really cannot tahan already and complained to my mother. Guess what she suggested? She advised me to retrofit the cases and sew the strings myself haha… My mother is an experienced seamstress so complaining to her is a wise decision! :p Actually would be better if she volunteer her services lah but then now is her peak period preparing for cny, better not "ka-jiao" (meaning disturbed in cantonese) her... So, last night I bought the cases from Kiddy’s Palace and started removing the rubberized thingy and replacing it with the strings. It took me 2 hours just to complete one small baby bolster and there is another big baby bolster waiting for me to work on tonight. I would say this is some work lah but not exactly very tedious, I am just glad that I manage to get replacements for her really-old bolster cases :)
Friday, February 09, 2007
2007 Haircut
It is time for the usual hair-cutting rituals for CNY. I went to my hairdresser on wednesday night and chopped off about 5inches of my long wavy hair which I have kept for about 2yrs... some responses from the people I know on my 2007 look :p
My colle who went with me: “hmm…...very nice.”
My sister (a little skeptical): “wow, you cut so much hair away, grow so long already leh.”
(She seems to be more sayang about the hair than myself :p)
When I got home, my little girl looked at me and said: “Mummy’s hair so messy. Comb your hair!” LOL
My MIL: “Look younger and more cheerful.”
My hubby was indifferent to my new hairstyle: “chey, looks about the same.” Guys seem to be only able to differentiate betw long and short hair, anything in-between is like no difference to them! Buay tahan!
Anyway, I am very pleased with my new hairstyle. Its lighter and easier to manage :D No longer late nights' waiting for the hair to dry....yeah!!!
Her refusal of the fruits coincides with the period after she recovered from a major flu/fever/cough (I called it 3-in-1 illiness), so I am not so sure if the fruity medicine has got anything to do with it. I really suspect that as we would usually coax her into taking medicine by saying the strawberry syrup (which is the medicine) very nice and sweet...blab blab....perhaps we have made things worst by making those statements?
I truly hope that this is just another phase of her toddlerhood and she will get over her fruits-phobia soon..... I am now trying to see how I can make fruits look more interesting and appetitising so that at least can tempt her to take some. Wokkingmum has just given me some tips to make mushroom apple :) Need to get the moulds to start working on it soon. Maybe I can also try making her favourite animals heh. Where can I get those moulds leh? hmm.....

Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Mine Birthday

Hubby bought me a really nice bouquet of flowers and I cant wait to put it on the blog to show everyone....but your heart will 'bleed' when you hear the price...Well, that's normal for married couple isnt it...trying to spend more 'wisely' especially if you have kids and/or elderly parents at home....but sometimes we gotta turn a blind eye to what's your partner doing otherwise marriage life will be very boring right?
Here's my beautiful bouquet and the card (the tiny clips are so cute!)...hehehe...

And to those who's having birthdays in the month of February: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY! May all your dreams come true! Many happy returns to you!"

A birthday letter
Anyways, gotta submit the application for change within a month. Better do it fast before I forget……... hahaha..
Friday, February 02, 2007
A. B. C
Besides this, Trenyce is also unable to identify the colours. We have been exposing her to different colours since she starts blabbering but she can’t seem to remember them. The only colour she can remember so far, without fail, is the colour of her daddy’s red car ;p
I think I have to blame myself partly for putting the responsibility to my in-laws as they are the full-time caretakers and I leave it to them what they like to teach her (also because they are retired teachers mah). On weekday nights when I returned from work, I would usually play with her for a while (not much energy left after work ah). On weekends, we would bring her out jalan jalan (poor thing has been caged at home for the past 5 days). I should really put more focus on educating her now.
I have been delaying making some flashcards for her, it’s time for me to put words into action now!
Our Sitiawan Trip

This is Trenyce demonstrating how to enjoy a nice piece of gong piang. To be honest, the gong piang is kind of hard but Trenyce loves it alot. I think she must have got the FuChow DNA from her grandmother :)
I took some pics of the bakers making the gong piang from the car when MIL was trying to get some on our way back to Singapore. Unfortunately, we didnt manage to get any as most returned back to the hometown around this period so pre-order is required so those that you seen displaying on the shelves are not meant for walk-in sale. Just too bad! :'(

Writing Again
Its been a long time since I blogged about my family life. My last entry was actually in 2010. Gosh, thats almost 14 years ago. Life's b...
Brought Trenyce to watch Barney performance at Plaza Singapura on Tuesday(13June06). It was total madness! Crowded with children and parents...
This pregnancy is an entirely different experience. I couldn’t eat and sleep properly. I have already started waking up in the middle of the...