I didn’t succeed in BF Trenyce previously. Though I managed to do partial BF for the first 3 mths but by the 2nd mth, the supply was getting pathetic. I didn’t nurse her directly as I chose to pump the milk most of the time, thinking it will be the same. But it wasn’t. The lesser she was nursed, the lower the milk supply will be as the milk ducts are not stimulated as often as it should be.
I was actually quite upset initially because I have been reading so much on BF before Trenyce arrived and I knew the many benefits that BF can give my kids. My main aim is not to save money on formulas or slimming programs but more so on providing the best for my kids. I was veryvery sad, and getting worried, when Trenyce refused to latch on so hubby told me to pump the milk instead. That’s when I began my BF journey, pumping faithfully every 2 hrs…but as the day passes, the milk supply gets lesser and lesser. At the peak, I only managed to get 4 ounces of BM per day and at its low, just 1 ounce. So you can imagine how discouraged I am.
I really envy those who manage to do it successfully. For example, my sis-in-law and
Shoppingmum.. My sis-in-law managed to nurse her two sons for at least 6 mths whereas Shoppingmum did it much longer. Yes I can turn to my sis-in-law for help on BF but she is not in Spore so its really difficult for me to get help from her. If only she's in S'pore huh……….
I guess there are a lot of reasons on the failure. Perhaps I didn’t know the techniques of latching her properly and so she got frustrated and fussed a lot whenever I tried to nurse her. Perhaps because I didn’t get help early. Perhaps because I am lack of support from people who actually nurse their kids as most people surrounded me didn’t nurse their kids and in a way, they didn’t "pressurize" themselves to do so. Perhaps and perhaps….there's just too many perhaps.
I am determine to succeed in BF this time as this is also probably the last time I am able to do so for my kid. For the moment, hubby and myself are quite contented with our 2 kids thuogh we would very much like to have 4 kids, so unless "accident" occurs otherwise this will jolly well be my last pregnancy. One colleague told me that one of the ways to make BF possible is to invest in good breastpumps (as everyone knows its not cheap!) so you will heartpain the money and die die make BF possible! Hahaha…..But I guess by not buying things that are "formula-friendly" i.e. milk bottle, formula milk…etc will also help to "push" myself harder to make BF succeed cos you wouldn’t want your baby to starve right?
So, perhaps I should do some shopping to get prepared for BF:
- Breastpumps (Shoppingmum pointed this web in her blog, click
- Nursing pillow
- Nursing Bras
- Nursing clothes
- Cooler bags
- Cool pads or ice bricks for milk storage
- Cups/bottles to store the breast milk
- Nipple cream
Of course, not forgetting that we must get the latch on technique correct. Thanks to Shoppingmum, she pointed
breastfeeding.com in her blog. It gives very detailed latch-on steps.