Here are the names I shortliseted:
1. Kesler
The meaning of the name is Independent And Energetic
The origin of the name Kesler is American
2. Keith
The meaning of the name is Warrior Descending
The origin of the name Keith is Celtic/Gaelic
Baby names that sound like Keith are Kit, Kitt and Ketti. Other similar baby names are Leith, Heath, Jeth, Keh, Keiji, Keir, Kennith and Seth.
3. Kegan
The meaning of the name is Bright Shining Flame
The origin of the name Kegan is Celtic/Gaelic
4. Kingston
The meaning of the name is From The King's Town
The origin of the name Kingston is English
5. Kiran
The meaning of the name is Ray Of Light
The origin of the name Kiran is Sanskrit (India)
6. Keon
The meaning of the name is God Is Gracious
The origin of the name Keon is Hawaiian
7. Keagan
The meaning of the name is Son Of Eagan, Fiery
The origin of the name Keagan is Celtic/Gaelic
8. Kristofer
The meaning of the name is Bearer Of Christ
The origin of the name Kristofer is Greek
(same as kristopher, kristoffer)
9. Kris
The meaning of the name is Follower of Christ
The origin of the name Kris is English
10. Keane
The meaning of is "fighter; sharp, keen wit or eye".
It is of Irish, Gaelic and Old English origin.
Keane has 4 variant forms: Kean, Keen, Keene and Keyne.
All the names started with "K" as we have mutaully agreed that all boys will follow "K" whereas girls will follow "T".
However, hubby doesnt like those names. He selected another name for our baby. In the end, we decided to call him KAYDEN. Kayden meaning "fighter". We want him to be a brave boy who will march out with all his might to achieve what he wants to obtain for himself in life.
Then one day, SIL called. She and BIL googled from wikipedia and found out that some porn actress is also using the name and informed us. After some search on the www, we decided to keep the name as we are quite used to calling the little one with this name but with some slight changes. Instead of KAYDEN, we are using KADEN. We went in to wikipedia and double confirm that no funny people are using this name before we retain the name. Thank goodness there isnt any! Except for the missing 'Y', the meaning and pronounication of the name remain unchanged.

Anyway, thanks Maykim and Michael for informing us! Cheers!
1 comment:
Dear little Kaden,
We are all looking forward for your arrival?
May Kim
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