Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Baby at 36weeks+

I had my prenatal checkup last Saturday, the commencement of my weekly checkup as I approached the last 4 weeks of my pregnancy. Went alone as hubby and family had gone back to Labis to collect some of the baby and confinement stuff we didn’t manage to squeeze into the car during the last trip back. Yah, so I was home alone on Friday.

At 36weeks+, it was challenging for me to move around on my own without my bodyguard (aka hubby). Luckily, the same morning my sister had to send her younger son to Thomson Plaza for tuition and so I got a free ride from her. She's really my saviour! Hehe…

As usual, Dr Goh did the scanning to check on the baby's growth. Baby was estimated to be around 2.7-2.8kg, about 200g heavier than previous visit. I was 73.1kg and put on about 800g, so which means 200g went to baby and 600g went to me..ohoh…

I also got my hospital admission letter for just-in-case and another letter to apply for my maternity leave. This time, I am starting my maternity leave about a week earlier than my previous pregnancy. Maybe because I am getting old already, I get tired easily, both physically and mentally. Also, I will like to spend some time with Trenyce before I get too occupied with Kaden's arrival and neglect her. Little girl asked me a question yesterday, "Mummy, you have two babies ah?" I said,"Yes, one big baby and one small baby. Who is the big baby?" She answered,"Me is the big baby and Kaden is the small baby." and gave me a very happy smile. Oh, my adorable Trenyce! :)

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