Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Baby at 33 weeks+

Went to visit Dr Goh on 5th Jan, it was our 12th visit. As usual, Dr Goh did all the necessary. The scan shows that the baby’s head is still down. Thats good. Hope he will continue to maintain at that position. Baby is estimated to be about 2.3kg, up by about 0.8kg while I only gained 0.7kg, from 70.6kg tp 71.3kg. The weight gain was not as much as I expected it to be. I thought the gain would be quite a fair bit since I had so much feasts during the Xmas season....Anyway in total, I have gained 13.3 kg till date. Next medical appointment is changed from 3weekly to bi-weekly.

Coincidentally, I met Tabitha and her hubby again. This was the last time I met her at the clinic before she deliver. And true enough, she delivered just 2 days after we met. Little Kendrick finally decided to pop into the world at 7.29am, 7th Jan08. Glad that hers was a smooth delivery. Received an sms from her at 3+am that she was warded then at 8+am received another sms that she had delivered! Hers is a VERY natural delivery. She actually got all the symptoms - abdominal pain, brown discharge, waterbag burst, hurried to hospital, and finally delivered….When I delivered Trenyce, mine is an induced natural delivery. Still natural birth but instead of waiting for waterbag to burst..I was on water drip to “induce” Trenyce to come out….hehe

Hope this time round mine will also be as smooth as hers! God bless me!

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