Last Friday, we celebrated Trenyce's 3yo birthday at her school. Mummy didn’t have the strength like last yr to host a birthday party for her at home so celebrating at school was the best alternate choice. She wanted an ELMO cake so we ordered one from Polar Cake Shop the week before from J8. She chose the design herself. I packed 50 party bags and prepared some 50 fishballs for her to bring to school. She was so excited that the night before, she just couldn’t sleep and kept talking to me until about 11pm….so in the end mummy had to force her to sleep by shutting her chattering mouth…This explained why she couldn’t wake up on time and we were slightly late for school…
Both hubby and myself joined in the celebration at her school. Coincidentally, there was another girl celebrating her birthday, however hers was on Saturday so Trenyce got the privilage to have her birthday song first. She was emotionless when the cake was presented in front of her. When I asked her later after the celebration was over, she told me she was shy…. Gee, a 3yo knows what is shy?? Hmmm... But we could tell she was very happy as she jumped and hopped around the room when the celebration was over….
That was not the end of her birthday celebration. We brought her to the Zoo in the afternoon. It was about 4pm when we reached, 2hrs to tour around before the Zoo closed. Luckily we managed to catch one of the animal performances. Well, the other bonus we got was we saw James Lye and Diana Ser with their little boy! What a coincidence huh!

Trenyce had long redeemed the birthday present that daddy and mummy had for her ---- a bicycle, the Hi5 concert and a $10 balloon! It was the most expensive balloon we ever got for her. When she saw every kid passing her holding the balloon, she couldn’t resist the temptation and pestered hubby to get one for her..haha… We caught the show on 8th Sep07 and the hall was pretty packed. Kids nowadays are so fortunate huh.
Grandmother bought her the helmet set complete with knee and elbow protectors, and a ring bell.

Grandfather bought her a battery-operated bubble set.

Grandma bought her a Thomas-the-Train set. Actually, mummy was the one who went to purchase the toy. Initially we thought it was a battery-operated moving train, however it turned out to be a "manual" train...have to use hand to push the train. Trenyce only played a while and lose interest in it already :p

Dear Mei Mei,
Wow! You have a lovely Elmo cake for your birthday. Was it good? Can I have some? Melvin celebrated his 3rd birthday in Brussel, Belgium. We bought him a chocolate cake which cost us Euro 15 or Euro 18. Very "Kui" but it is the most delicious chocolate cake I have ever eaten. I "sapu" most of it.
Tracy you look more like your sister now with your short hair. I had my hair cut short too. It is easier to manage with a short hair.
May Kim
Really?! Hope we will have a chance to try!
Yah, its getting really hot nowadays. Duno its me or the weather! haha....
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