Wednesday, April 08, 2009


How time flies...Im already in my 3rd trimester. Counting down now, 9weeks more to my EDD. Oh not much time left, better hurry to get all my stuff done before 妹妹 comes. It has been tough for this 3rd pregnancy, maybe becos I have to take care of Kaden at the same time and this boy needs alot of attention. Not that he is an attention seeker but rather he is so very active that he keeps knocking his head here and there....just yesterday, he 'earned' himself two 'fifty cents' on his forehead. He is so active that at times I still need to carry him like a baby to feed him his night feed before he goes to bed otherwise he will be struggling with the bottle. Just imagine carrying him with a protruding tummy, tough eh!

Sometimes I do feel very guilty, guilty that I wont be able to spend much time with this boy once 妹妹 arrives. I hope the parenting magazine is right...that siblings with age gap less than 18mths will not feel anything about a new silbing taking some attention away from them. So I am trying to make up now by spending more time with him as well as Trenyce. I wouldnt want history to repeat itself again. I am thinking of setting a timetable or something to allocate my time for the kids. Of course, BB will still get the most attention from me and will be even more so if I BF her. But I wouldnt want to neglect my other 2 children especially Trenyce. I do notice that she needs alot of attention from us and gets upset when her presence is ignored. For Kaden, I guess is he still too young to notice anything and I hope he wont!

I better start working on the timetable thingy soon..
Mood: Thinking hard....

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