“The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.” ~~Morrie Schwartz~~
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Wearing hats/caps
Friday, February 27, 2009
Grandparents' 38th Wedding Anniversary

Father, mother, happy anniversary to you both!

With the grandchildren....next year there will be 3 hehe!

As there isnt any wedding anniversary song, we replaced with the birthday song. Quite comical actually =p Well, that's the song the kids are farmilar with mah keke....
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Kaden Turns One!
Anyway, am very thankful that everything went smoothly and bet the kids are the ones who have a great time messing up my place with all the toys scattering around hahaha. Thank you everyone for coming to the birthday party, and your angbaos and presents! Xiexie!
The Sesame Street Scene Setter (Yay, I finally gotten my Sesame Street partyware! Couldnt find a mickey mouse theme birthday cake and so decided to settle for sesame street theme. We also notice that Kaden prefers elmo over mickey. Sorry mickey, next time maybe when I have the energy to look for mickey figurines to put on the cake =p)
Birthday boy smiling happily
Birthday boy with jiejie & mummy dearest
Birthday boy with his fav grandma
Liked this two-tier birthday cake from pg. First tier is the popular black forest flavor (meant for children) and 2nd tier is their famous lychee martini flavor (meant for adult). I personally prefer the black forest flavor and so is hubby.
The complete sesame street setting
Family pic with the grandparents
Kaden is walking!
Yay Kaden is finally walking! We noticed he waddles alot recently from table/chair to table/chair. Though he is only making small little steps now but its a significant milestone of his life. Just 2 days before his birthday, he actually walks on his own for quite a distance, that is without any support....he can practically walk from the daybed (our so-called sofa) to our study room, at times he could even manage to walk to the grandparents' bedroom! Wow! Boy, mummy is very proud of you leh! Well, managed to capture a few videos of these significant milestones of his!
This video shows that he is able to stand up by himself without any help or support.
These videos show him walking on his own....and manage to conquer longer distance as each day passes!
Saturday, February 07, 2009
The Hassle of Moving House

The other thing I am pretty impressed is that they are not all out to 'con' you by giving you the most expensive service. Why did I say so because they even thought of services like hiring a van only if you have very little things to shift around or hiring a man and van should you require an extra pair of hands to assist you in shifting. Cool eh.
If you are in UK or if you ever get a chance to move overseas, do consider their services!
Mdm received paid review request!
Well, I need to earn some diaper & milk powder money for my forthcoming baby leh ;p
Friday, February 06, 2009
Its mdm's birthday!
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Sourcing for birthday cakes...
Hubby and myself have finally settled on the idea to celebrate his birthday at home with just some close relatives. I probably will whip up a few dishes like fried beehoon, curry chicken, fried chicken wings etc.....drooling already hehe...Anyway, the more headache thing is what cake to get for him really. As I have less than 20 guests, getting an enormous cake that is more than 2kg is very wasteful but all nice designs are 2 kg and above leh...howhow??? Diedie must make a decision by next week otherwise scared Im too late and my order will be rejected.
Got a few recommendations from the motherhood forum. Though I didnt participate but learnt alot of things there from the mothers hehe...Sent a few emails today to enquire on the cake designs & prices, guess in terms of price, my choice tentatively is in this ranking as some of them have not replied me yet:
1. Pine Garden
I like this design but instead of sesame street figurines, I would prefer Mickey Mouse or Clifford the red dog.
2. eCreative
I quite like this design, simple and nice but I hope to get a 'theme' cake for Kaden pehaps a Mickey Mouse or something as he's borned in the year of rat.

3. Cupcake Divinity
This boy has the same name as my boy but with a different spelling guess he must be borned in the year of piggies ;p Still waiting for their reply, hopefully they can transform the piglets to Mickey, cross my fingers =p Oh, she does very beautiful cupcakes too. hmm, maybe an alternative to giving out for baby full month treats! =)

4. Cherylshuen
Finally found a Mickey Mouse theme birthday but judging from the cake design, it must be a pretty huge cake of at least 3kg I think. I like her hello kitty design, very nice hor...can get for trenyce or meimei next time hehe =p

5. Simply Irresistible by myssaliana
Like her 3-tier Pooh bear cake design but dun think I will be getting such a big one. Anyway, just ask first and see her pricing.
All pictures extracted from the respective owner's website.
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Kaden & His 1st Birthday Present
In any case, since the present had already purchased...we decided to unwrap and let him play around at home. So currently its still out of bounds for outdoor kaikai. Today he already know how to negotiate with the grandparents...babbling away and kept pointing at the tricycle when the grandparents are taking him downstairs for their usual evening stroll. Boy, you learnt fast eh!
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Kaden first CNY (26 Jan 09)
Reunion Dinner at Popo's house (24 Jan 09)
We had very special Lohei this year, instead of the usual white/red/green carrots combinations, we had the fruits Lohei made up mainly of the rock melon/mango/apple/pear. (Clockwise from left) The Lohei, the steamboat ingredients and some other raw combinations and cooked dishes.
The kids looking in awe at my sister spreading the ingredients over the Lohei.Its usually the first dish to begin with before we start digging at the main dish.
Monday, February 02, 2009
Jacob Ballas Children's Garden (18 Jan 09)
Hubby, Trenyce and my snoozing boy.....
Finally after a long walk, we reached the garden!
The map of the garden.
Things we will learn at the garden....
Fantastic Forest..
One funny-looking giant trunk....
The treehouse...
The upside-down tree
The "rubber" tree haha...
A-Mazeing Play
And finally we ended the fun at the Waterplay Area. Trenyce got herself really drenched!
Writing Again
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