Monday, September 01, 2008

Nic at Night (30 Aug 08)

Trinity Methodist Church is having a concert last Saturday, performed mainly by their Children ministry. The kindergarten has inserted a program for the school kiddies to participate in and Trenyce was honoured to be in the group. We didnt know what Trenyce is performing though we tried to find out from our girl but we still cant quite figure out what it is all about. So, hubby and myself together with Kaden went to the church to watch her performance. It was Kaden 1st time attending a 'live' concert hehe...

Mdm and Kaden at Jiejie's classroom....

Trenyce at the rehearsal....

Trenyce waiting to perform...

Video clip on Trenyce's rehearsal as the video clip on the actual performance is about 17mb...

A pic with the kids after Trenyce's performance.

We didnt stay for the entire concert. We left shortly after Trenyce's performance is over as the place is simply too rowdy and Kaden couldnt quite take it. He was fussing around and Trenyce was hungry. The school only provided a slice of cake and a sausage bun as their dinner before the concert commence. Had I known that is the kind of food they are going to give to the children I would have fed Trenyce a proper dinner before coming to the church. Anyway, the church's intention is good but their event management skills.....well, there's still room for improvement. I hope the next concert, which will be Trenyce's graduation ceremony will be better! Mood: Celebration Milestone: 3 years old

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