“The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.” ~~Morrie Schwartz~~
Friday, December 19, 2008
Kaden taking a bus ride (11 Oct 08)
Holidaying at Sitiawan (28 Sep - 1st Oct 2008)
Lets see...
What did Trenyce do? Clockwise) Scootering around the compound, going to Lumut to buy some dried stuff, playing with the 'fly hitter' and blowing the flute that was bought at KLCC ToysRus.

What did Kaden do? Playing in the bucket! (as we didnt bring his walker along and he was bored trapping in the stroller)

Trying to take some pictures for the kids with their great grandmother the day before we set off. It was not easy. Kaden wouldnt cooperate until his favourite grandma joined in.(From left then to right)Look at the pics .

Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Holidaying at KL (27 Sep 2008)
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Its three for now
With the sudden increase in our household size, its inevitable that we need to get a bigger house and also a bigger car. Getting a domestic helper to help around in the house is also in the pipeline. Hmm, going to get really busy even before this little one arrives!
Scan test at Dr Goh's clinic shows that baby expected to arrive mid-June 2009.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Kaden has more teeth coming.....
Kaden's teething milestones
At 4.5mo, his first two lower central incisors sprouted.
At 5.5mo, one more lower lateral incisor sprouted.
At 6mo, two upper lateral incisors sprouted. Not the middle ones which are usually the first to come out but the exact left and right from the middle.
At 6.5mo, the two middle upper central incisors sprouted.
At 7.0mo, the 4th lower lateral incisor sprouted......
Now at .08mo, he has his first set of eight baby teeth and we also noticed that his drooling has reduced. This, in a way, has helped to improve his teething rash condition.
Baby Teeth Growing Order
This is the usual growing order of the baby teeth. Interestingly, Kaden is one of those who doesnt follow this sequence :p

Saturday, September 27, 2008
Holiday in KL
When we finally reach the hotel, we are so happy. We finally beat the challenge to bring the kids here. Horray!!! Not easy leh...bringing 2 kids on long distance journey on such a hot day!!! Anyway, we are proud of them that they finally make through with us!
Well, I am so glad the kids enjoyed the hotel. Hope next year I will have the oppt to visit KL again...hmm... Anyway, will upload the pics when I get back to Spore! Ciao!:)
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Trenyce turns 4 today! (Part 2)
Trenyce turns 4 today! (Part 1)
We had a simple cake blowing session earlier now.
In fact, she had celebrated 2 days in advance in school with her schoolmates.
Easier lah, mummy doesnt have to prepare like mad woman :p
(1) Celebrating at home. This year we had Kaden to join in the celebration :)
(2) Here's Trenyce preparing the mini "Thank you" cards for her classmates.All the "THANK YOU" on the cards are written by her. Girl, I am so proud of you :)
(3) Celebrating in school with her 60 schoolmates......
Trenyce and her classmates.
A token of appreciation for her friends --- mini number eraser.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Preparing for Trenyce's birthday
Anyway, tonight I am staying up a little late to help Trenyce prepare some mini thank you cards for her classmates (about 12 of them). In fact, I had wanted to do it with her tonight but I was held up at work today and came back late (almost 8pm when I reached home) so we couldnt do it today. Need to get it done latest by tmr night otherwise she wont be able to distribute to her friends on Friday as we have gotten her a birthday cake to celebrate in school. So guess I will have to do most of the artwork myself. *yawn* Quite tired already...hmm, will leave some simple ones for her to do tmr like pasting the stickers etc... I thought its a nice gesture to give her friends thank you cards to thank them for celebrating the birthday with her. Its good to teach her from young not to take things, and even friends for granted. Not that everyone has a chance to celebrate their birthday with their friends and she should count her blessings. Hmmm...maybe can make this an annual affair for her. Will have to crack brain on what to do next year...
Well, got to go back to do the cards liao.... Mood: Delighted Milestone: 4 years old
Kaden on Walker (13 Sept 2008)
Earlier on, MIL feedbacked to me that this boy is a very good "walker driver"...he managed to sweep some of his sister's books from the shelf...hmm in less than 5 days he had already figured out how to make 'good' use of his new 'toy' huh....haha....
Hmm...he doesnt look very happy nor excited hor....wonder why?
We had just removed the layer of plastc sheet under his feet today. PIL said its better that way so that it can help to train him to walk. Honestly, I think this boy will start walking pretty early. He has very strong legs and everytime when we tried to put him on our lap,he will attempt to stand rather than sitting down nicely.
Mood: Exciting Milestone: 6 months oldPlaying Gymnastic (11 Sept 2008)
Kaden can sit! (11 Sept 2008)
See he is able to sit very well when he is concentrating hard on some object.
Oops, catch ya on candid camera!:P
Nowadays, we also dressed him in his sitting position rather than lying down unless we are changing his diaper. Its so much easier to change him while he is in his sitting position as he tends to struggle alot when he is lying down, and will try to turn himself to the army crawling position. Hence diaper changing can be very challenging. Sometimes its the adults who are changing him sweating away as this boy of mine is really strong. Not easy to stop him from turning!
Mood: Sweating Milestone: 7 months oldTeething rashes
This is a picture of Kaden with the teething rashes taken on 11 Sept 2008. At that time, the rashes were still quite bad1 See how mummy and daddy not heartpained leh! Luckily at this point of time when I am writing this, he's already on the road to recovery. Less redness and less patches on his face! Phew!!!! Thank god for his blessings!
Dear Lord, thank you for watching over Kaden. I wouldnt know what to do if it had gotten worst. Thank you. Amen. Mood: Settled
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
New bibs
Bought some new bibs for Kaden yesterday from Mothercare sales. Well, I can never resist sales especially when it comes to buying stuff for my kiddies :p
Anyway, the orange one in the middle is from my sister who bought it from Spain last yr during her holiday. She's a bit kiasu, bought present for Kaden even though he hasnt arrived yet haha! The other two, of course, were bought by yours truly. I especially liked the red one. It spells out exactly whats happening at home now :PP
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Cure for Teething Rashes
I went back home and followed her instructions, applied the nappy rash cream on him. And since I am using the nappy rash cream, I presume the same logic for the nappy rash treatment applies when it comes to caring for the teething rash. That is, to keep the affected area as dry and clean as possible.
I was very careful the entire Sunday, watching out his drooling, trying to keep his chin dry as as possible and changing his bibs dilligently. I am not sure whether it will work but think I wouldnt go wrong trying it out. Did see some results at the end of the day. His rashes were slightly better. But this isnt something that would get treated instantly so we still need to be on our guard.
Good thing hubby found this and it clears my doubt. Indeed, keeping the affected area dry and applying aloe vera helps! Although it didnt mention the nappy rash cream but I think it wouldnt hurt...afterall, its meant to be apply on the skin.
Anyway, we are still monitoring closely on his condition. Cos if leave untreated, the consequences could be terrible.
Dear lord, pls pray that Kaden will recover from his teething rashes soon. Pls grant him peace so that he will be able to go through this uncomfortableness with an ease mind. Amen.
Trenyce and Kaden
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Yummy yum yum....
Monday, September 01, 2008
Nic at Night (30 Aug 08)
Mdm and Kaden at Jiejie's classroom....
Trenyce at the rehearsal....
Trenyce waiting to perform...
Video clip on Trenyce's rehearsal as the video clip on the actual performance is about 17mb...
A pic with the kids after Trenyce's performance.
We didnt stay for the entire concert. We left shortly after Trenyce's performance is over as the place is simply too rowdy and Kaden couldnt quite take it. He was fussing around and Trenyce was hungry. The school only provided a slice of cake and a sausage bun as their dinner before the concert commence. Had I known that is the kind of food they are going to give to the children I would have fed Trenyce a proper dinner before coming to the church. Anyway, the church's intention is good but their event management skills.....well, there's still room for improvement. I hope the next concert, which will be Trenyce's graduation ceremony will be better! Mood: Celebration Milestone: 3 years old
Writing Again
Its been a long time since I blogged about my family life. My last entry was actually in 2010. Gosh, thats almost 14 years ago. Life's b...
Brought Trenyce to watch Barney performance at Plaza Singapura on Tuesday(13June06). It was total madness! Crowded with children and parents...
This pregnancy is an entirely different experience. I couldn’t eat and sleep properly. I have already started waking up in the middle of the...