Several other signs:
1. She refuses to pee in her disposable diapers when we go out either shopping or dinning at some food places.
2. She wakes up from her afternoon nap and comes to us, telling us she wants to pee.
3. Her disposable diaper is all dry from her afternoon naps for the past week.
4. She enjoys peepee and poopoo in the toilet.
5. She hardly wets herself at home nowadays. She can control till we bring her to the potty or toilet.
Initially I wanted to train her go diaperless by constantly forcing her to pee in the potty, pressurizing her and myself. In the end, my bed duno got wet how many times, changed how many bedsheets, got super upset with the little girl for "misbehaving", got super stress worrying that she may not be able to ditch the diapers......in a way, kind of strain our relationship with each other as I would start scolding her whenever I get upset over it. It was hubby, on seeing us trying so hard, who suggested to abort the diaperless training so that we all can sleep in peace (he can as well so that he doesnt have to change the bedsheets that frequently :p). In the end, I gave up. Well, you can imagine how delighted I am when I heard from MIL today when I returned from work that Trenyce is able to control her bladder thru the night! And 1st thing 1st in the morning when she woke up, she marched straight to PILs telling them she wanted to pee. According to MIL, the potty was quite full :p
Hmmm...which means the kids will actually know when they are ready to be diaperless eh. So Mummies, we dont really have to hurry them and add stress to ourselves! Oh boy! I am so relieved now!
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