Hubby had asked me to cater buffet for the party but I had refused his kindness.I told him that my mother did the same thing for us when we were young so now it is my turn to do for my children and I really meant it. Of course, asking me to do it every year is impossible (definitely very tiring!, I stood preparing the food until my legs ache! :P) but I do intend to do so at least twice in their toddler years.
Most of the dishes here are prepared by MIL and myself. MIL helped to prepare the curry chicken and sweet'n'sour filet while I prepared the beehoon, agar-agar, red bean soup, fishballs, sotong balls & mini sausages. Okay okay, I need to also mention that my bro and sis also chipped in to help in decorating the dishes especially those garnished with cucumber and pineapple :p



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