21st Sep 2006
On the actual day of Trenyce’s birthday, we bought a miniature cake for her (for symbolic reasons). She was laughing and giggling away when daddy was lighting up the candles, and attempting to “destroy” daddy’s efforts by blowing the candles. Here’s a short video on Trenyce :D
Mood: Merry
Milestone: 2 years old
“The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.” ~~Morrie Schwartz~~
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Zoo Outing
17th Sep 2006
Like last year, we brought Trenyce to Singapore Zoological Gardens, as part of her birthday celebration. She has been bugging us to bring her to the zoo since the day we told her. This is her 2nd time to the Zoo, the last trip was about a year ago also to celebrate her birthday. Seems like this will become a tradition for my little gal’s birthday celebration. Hmm…not a bad idea eh?
This year, we can see that Trenyce enjoys herself more as she is able to identify the animals that she saw everyday on Barney’s video. She gets extremely excited when she is able to associate these animals with what she could recall from the video. As a mother, you feel contented watching her every expression!
I think the best thing of all is we finally managed to catch 2 of the 3 major animal shows in the zoo that we missed out last year! The 'Animal Friends Show" and "Wonders of the Wild Show". I suppose we came too late last year (around 2pm) and this year we came around 11am. Trenyce was quite scared initially as she has never watched a live animal show (not to mention those small & adorable ones that we saw at the pet shops) and clinged onto us very tightly until we explained to her what the animals are doing then she kind of relax and released a little bit.
This is the seal performance, one of the key performance at the Wonders of the Wild Show.
After the Animal Friends Show, we hang around the Animal Land at Children's World to visit the small animals. Look, she really enjoyed feeding the goats!
Right at the entrance/exit area, they have this battery-operated animal (this you need to slot a coin in for it to move) which is something different from the usual ones you seen elsewhere as those are usually the cars or motorcycles etc. The best thing is I can also sit together with her to ‘operate’ (otherwise, will knock onto other animals) this battery-operated tiger! Hahaha..imagine me a giant kid on the animal :p
We finally called it off a day around 3.30pm. Not just Trenyce, all of us were also exhausted from all the walking :’) Well, till next year then! Ciao Zoo!
Like last year, we brought Trenyce to Singapore Zoological Gardens, as part of her birthday celebration. She has been bugging us to bring her to the zoo since the day we told her. This is her 2nd time to the Zoo, the last trip was about a year ago also to celebrate her birthday. Seems like this will become a tradition for my little gal’s birthday celebration. Hmm…not a bad idea eh?
This year, we can see that Trenyce enjoys herself more as she is able to identify the animals that she saw everyday on Barney’s video. She gets extremely excited when she is able to associate these animals with what she could recall from the video. As a mother, you feel contented watching her every expression!
I think the best thing of all is we finally managed to catch 2 of the 3 major animal shows in the zoo that we missed out last year! The 'Animal Friends Show" and "Wonders of the Wild Show". I suppose we came too late last year (around 2pm) and this year we came around 11am. Trenyce was quite scared initially as she has never watched a live animal show (not to mention those small & adorable ones that we saw at the pet shops) and clinged onto us very tightly until we explained to her what the animals are doing then she kind of relax and released a little bit.
This is the seal performance, one of the key performance at the Wonders of the Wild Show.
After the Animal Friends Show, we hang around the Animal Land at Children's World to visit the small animals. Look, she really enjoyed feeding the goats!
Right at the entrance/exit area, they have this battery-operated animal (this you need to slot a coin in for it to move) which is something different from the usual ones you seen elsewhere as those are usually the cars or motorcycles etc. The best thing is I can also sit together with her to ‘operate’ (otherwise, will knock onto other animals) this battery-operated tiger! Hahaha..imagine me a giant kid on the animal :p
We finally called it off a day around 3.30pm. Not just Trenyce, all of us were also exhausted from all the walking :’) Well, till next year then! Ciao Zoo!
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Trenyce's Two Year Old Birthday Party - Birthday Gifts
Gifts Opening Ceremony

These are all the gifts Trenyce had received.

Looks like Trenyce is having some headaches here...hmm...

The shoes are from daddy. BB Bob & the Barney bottle are from Mummy.

These are from Gonggong & Ah Ma.

This dress is from grandmother.
Mood: Excited Milestone: 2 years old

These are all the gifts Trenyce had received.

Looks like Trenyce is having some headaches here...hmm...

The shoes are from daddy. BB Bob & the Barney bottle are from Mummy.

These are from Gonggong & Ah Ma.

This dress is from grandmother.
Mood: Excited Milestone: 2 years old
Friday, September 22, 2006
Trenyce's 2 Year Old Birthday Party (Part II)
Birthday Cake Ceremony
Trenyce with "jiujiu" & "yiyi". She looks eager to 'attack' her cake.
Daddy preparing to light up the cake.
Mummy rearranging the candles.
The cake is finally ready!
Trenyce blowing the candles.
Cutting the birthday cake.
Trenyce & her guests.
The guests...
Trenyce entertaining her little guest, Ernest.
trenyce striking a Barney conversation with Catherine jiejie
BB Shayanne with Daddy & Mummy.
Trenyce & Samantha.
Dominic performing balancing stunts.
Trenyce, Cordilia & Dominc enjoying mini buffet outside the house.
Trenyce enjoying her mini cornetto.
Kai Zhe also enjoying his mini cornetto.
The three warriors, Ryan, Rayner & Dominic.
Mood: Happy
Milestone: 2 years old
Birthday Cake Ceremony

The guests...

Thursday, September 21, 2006
Trenyce's 2 Year Old Birthday Party (Part I)
Trenyce turning 2 today! How time flies! We held a birthday celebration for her last Sat (16th Sept06) inviting some close relatives and friends. This was her first birthday party. We only had a simple dinner with the family on her 1st birthday hence, I decided to organise a birthday party for her this year.
Hubby had asked me to cater buffet for the party but I had refused his kindness.I told him that my mother did the same thing for us when we were young so now it is my turn to do for my children and I really meant it. Of course, asking me to do it every year is impossible (definitely very tiring!, I stood preparing the food until my legs ache! :P) but I do intend to do so at least twice in their toddler years.
Most of the dishes here are prepared by MIL and myself. MIL helped to prepare the curry chicken and sweet'n'sour filet while I prepared the beehoon, agar-agar, red bean soup, fishballs, sotong balls & mini sausages. Okay okay, I need to also mention that my bro and sis also chipped in to help in decorating the dishes especially those garnished with cucumber and pineapple :p
What a spread! :p
Trenyce's Barney Birthday Cake :) She is so happy that she starts singing the birthday song when she sees the cake. I am amazed she understands the meaning of birthday cake!

Decorations done by FIL :-)
Mood: Jubilant
Milestone: 2 years old
Hubby had asked me to cater buffet for the party but I had refused his kindness.I told him that my mother did the same thing for us when we were young so now it is my turn to do for my children and I really meant it. Of course, asking me to do it every year is impossible (definitely very tiring!, I stood preparing the food until my legs ache! :P) but I do intend to do so at least twice in their toddler years.
Most of the dishes here are prepared by MIL and myself. MIL helped to prepare the curry chicken and sweet'n'sour filet while I prepared the beehoon, agar-agar, red bean soup, fishballs, sotong balls & mini sausages. Okay okay, I need to also mention that my bro and sis also chipped in to help in decorating the dishes especially those garnished with cucumber and pineapple :p



Monday, September 11, 2006
Little Gal Turning Violent?
I notice recently that Trenyce is hitting people. I am getting really worried about this. No she didnt go around hiting people like a maddie but she's hiting the family members. Myself and hubby have gotten hit by her a few times and on monday night, hubby just witnessed her hitting the grandmother and "punished" her by "slapping" her hand. I was in the bathroom and vividly could hear the cries from the other room. She cried even louder when she saw me approaching. I told her gently that she shouldnt hit grandmother and asked her to apologise to grandmother. She did as she was told but was still sobbing away. In the end, we had to calm her down but diverting her attention away to something else like watching cartoons on the playhouse disney channel etc.
I really wondered where she learnt all the hitting from as she was only exposed to was Barney and Mickey Mouse TV programs. A hit from a child could be really really painful as children at this stage still do not know how to control their strength so at times the hit could be very painful. My poor hubby has gotten hit by her many times already. Once we were on the bed chatting and playing, hubby came over and joined us on the bed and was lying very close to her. I do not know if that's annoying her (because he's so close and she has lesser place to move around?), she just gave him a tight slap on the face. Ouch! But hubby doesnt seem to learn his lesson and always gets near to her, however, now he does know the need to cover himself in case of a sudden attack from his daughter!
I wondered if its us parents, the so-called role models of the child, teaching her to hit people. We do 'slap' her hands at times when she misbehaved like throwing toys on the floor if she doesnt want to play it anymore or simply playing with the food in her bowl with her hands etc. Has she intepreted thru our actions that if you dont like certain things or the ways things have been handled, turning violent is the solution to all? I am getting worried now. Sigh, guess I have to be really patient and 'counsel' her everything she starts raising her hands to hit people.
Here is a videoclip I took 10 June06 while on some shopping spree at HarbourFront. We were taking a break at Mac and as usual, Mac superb Kids service - giving each child a balloon. Just look at how Trenyce played with her balloon. If you imagine yourself to be the table. Ouch Ouch Ouch! Thats's exactly how she's 'dealing' with us. Sanyang you...then hit you, and then sayang you again....then hit you....
Mood: Doubtful Milestone: 21 months old
I really wondered where she learnt all the hitting from as she was only exposed to was Barney and Mickey Mouse TV programs. A hit from a child could be really really painful as children at this stage still do not know how to control their strength so at times the hit could be very painful. My poor hubby has gotten hit by her many times already. Once we were on the bed chatting and playing, hubby came over and joined us on the bed and was lying very close to her. I do not know if that's annoying her (because he's so close and she has lesser place to move around?), she just gave him a tight slap on the face. Ouch! But hubby doesnt seem to learn his lesson and always gets near to her, however, now he does know the need to cover himself in case of a sudden attack from his daughter!
I wondered if its us parents, the so-called role models of the child, teaching her to hit people. We do 'slap' her hands at times when she misbehaved like throwing toys on the floor if she doesnt want to play it anymore or simply playing with the food in her bowl with her hands etc. Has she intepreted thru our actions that if you dont like certain things or the ways things have been handled, turning violent is the solution to all? I am getting worried now. Sigh, guess I have to be really patient and 'counsel' her everything she starts raising her hands to hit people.

Here is a videoclip I took 10 June06 while on some shopping spree at HarbourFront. We were taking a break at Mac and as usual, Mac superb Kids service - giving each child a balloon. Just look at how Trenyce played with her balloon. If you imagine yourself to be the table. Ouch Ouch Ouch! Thats's exactly how she's 'dealing' with us. Sanyang you...then hit you, and then sayang you again....then hit you....
Mood: Doubtful Milestone: 21 months old
Visit to Botanic Garden
We took Trenyce and PIL to Singapore Botanice Gardens on the 19th Aug06. I suppose this is my first trip back to garden after 20 years at least? I read from the papers they have just renovated the garden and variety at the food garden (aka food court lah) was good. it was a sunny day, a good day if you decide to have a picnic at the garden.
I want to share with you this very cool video clip I took from my digicam. It captured the moments when the swans flipped its wings! How often you manage to get this on your cam! hehe :D Hope you enjoyed it cos Trenyce and myself were!
Following are some of the pics we took at the garden. I will like to comment on pic 4. It was a strange looking plant and I have no idea what its called. It looked identical to something (hmmm....for you to figure out yourself hehe :p), quite obscene actually. Dont you think so?

I want to share with you this very cool video clip I took from my digicam. It captured the moments when the swans flipped its wings! How often you manage to get this on your cam! hehe :D Hope you enjoyed it cos Trenyce and myself were!
Following are some of the pics we took at the garden. I will like to comment on pic 4. It was a strange looking plant and I have no idea what its called. It looked identical to something (hmmm....for you to figure out yourself hehe :p), quite obscene actually. Dont you think so?

Sunday, September 10, 2006
2006 NDP Fireworks
We took Trenyce and PIL to Fullerton One on eve of Singapore National Day (8th Aug 06) to view the fireworks. It was the first time that all of us went down to join the crowd viewing the fireworks. It was a fantastic view except that there is this stupid lamp post and palm tree blocking part of our magnificant view. You would understand what I am saying when you looked at the clip (Yippie, I finally figured out the way to show it here!).
While watching the fireworks, an interesting encounter caught my attention. This family of 5 (father, mother with a infant girl & a toddler boy and their maid)were standing in front of us. The father was carrying the son so he could have a better view as it was simply too crowded already whereas the maid was carrying the infant girl, probably abt 13-17mths old. Initially, Trenyce was enjoying the fireworks with us until this little girl who, upon hearing all the loud bangs from the fireworks started crying, she too also joined her in the crying battle. It was so bad that FIL had to eventually took her away to somewhere that she wouldnt see the fireworks in order to pacify her. As for the infant gal, she was not as lucky as Trenyce. Her cries was getting more and more intense as the fireworks continued to burst in the air. The maid was like not knowing what to do. She was trying very hard to coax the infant gal but it didnt help a single bit. The worst thing is the mother aka mom was simply bochap and continue to enjoy the view. She turned her head to calm the gal a few times but when the fire shots went up the sky, she would quickly turn away and continue where she stopped. This happened probably twice but still she didnt give instructions to the maid, so the poor maid didnt dare move away otherwise she would likly get ticked off by them. If its not so crowded, I am quite sure the maid will move away to somewhere quieter to clam the baby gal. The poor maid continued coaxing the infant gal who was crying until her face turned purple and was grabbing anyone that she could grab (she was grabbing my shirt when the maid moved near me) while the parents were enjoying the fireworks. I find this whole thing very ridiculous. How could one mother turn a deaf ear to her crying child? Was it because the place was too noisy that she cant hear her child? Or was it because she thought her child was cheering at the fireworks too? Or was it because the fireworks were so mignaficant that it totally captivated her mind & soul that she forgotten abt her young child who may not be comfortable with the fireworks.
At the instance when the infant girl was grabbing my shirt, I was so heartpain. I felt like carrying her and took her away. She looked terrified at the sight of the fireworks and probably also the sea of strangers around her. Hubby who saw the whole incident too, said to me:"such an irresponsible mother.Fireworks more important than the child. So poor thing, cried till face turned purpled already" Yah, I felt so too. I dont think I will ever allow anything to take over my child's place in my heart.
While watching the fireworks, an interesting encounter caught my attention. This family of 5 (father, mother with a infant girl & a toddler boy and their maid)were standing in front of us. The father was carrying the son so he could have a better view as it was simply too crowded already whereas the maid was carrying the infant girl, probably abt 13-17mths old. Initially, Trenyce was enjoying the fireworks with us until this little girl who, upon hearing all the loud bangs from the fireworks started crying, she too also joined her in the crying battle. It was so bad that FIL had to eventually took her away to somewhere that she wouldnt see the fireworks in order to pacify her. As for the infant gal, she was not as lucky as Trenyce. Her cries was getting more and more intense as the fireworks continued to burst in the air. The maid was like not knowing what to do. She was trying very hard to coax the infant gal but it didnt help a single bit. The worst thing is the mother aka mom was simply bochap and continue to enjoy the view. She turned her head to calm the gal a few times but when the fire shots went up the sky, she would quickly turn away and continue where she stopped. This happened probably twice but still she didnt give instructions to the maid, so the poor maid didnt dare move away otherwise she would likly get ticked off by them. If its not so crowded, I am quite sure the maid will move away to somewhere quieter to clam the baby gal. The poor maid continued coaxing the infant gal who was crying until her face turned purple and was grabbing anyone that she could grab (she was grabbing my shirt when the maid moved near me) while the parents were enjoying the fireworks. I find this whole thing very ridiculous. How could one mother turn a deaf ear to her crying child? Was it because the place was too noisy that she cant hear her child? Or was it because she thought her child was cheering at the fireworks too? Or was it because the fireworks were so mignaficant that it totally captivated her mind & soul that she forgotten abt her young child who may not be comfortable with the fireworks.
At the instance when the infant girl was grabbing my shirt, I was so heartpain. I felt like carrying her and took her away. She looked terrified at the sight of the fireworks and probably also the sea of strangers around her. Hubby who saw the whole incident too, said to me:"such an irresponsible mother.Fireworks more important than the child. So poor thing, cried till face turned purpled already" Yah, I felt so too. I dont think I will ever allow anything to take over my child's place in my heart.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Visiting Baby Matthew
Here are some of the much delayed pics of little Matt :)
Matt taken on 23rd June 2006

Matt taken on 26th June 2006

Matt taken on 28th June 2006

Matt taken on 1st July 2006

Matt taken on 7th July 2006
Matt taken on 23rd June 2006

Matt taken on 26th June 2006

Matt taken on 28th June 2006

Matt taken on 1st July 2006

Matt taken on 7th July 2006

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Writing Again
Its been a long time since I blogged about my family life. My last entry was actually in 2010. Gosh, thats almost 14 years ago. Life's b...
Brought Trenyce to watch Barney performance at Plaza Singapura on Tuesday(13June06). It was total madness! Crowded with children and parents...
This pregnancy is an entirely different experience. I couldn’t eat and sleep properly. I have already started waking up in the middle of the...