Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Cycling at home?

爸爸 bought a new bicycle....but you can only cycle at home =p The kids were busy exploring the bike when it arrived on Monday (9th Mar09). But they are not cycling correctly....look....

But if they were to 'cycle' properly, thats how far they can reach the handle bar. Kaden弟弟 demonstrating the right way to use it... kekeke


jean said...

Children are so innovative isn't it? :) they can play with anything that their little hands lay upon. Take care and congrats on your no.3 :-)

Tracemee said...

Yes, they are the amazing lot. Thanks! =) U take care too!

Writing Again

Its been a long time since I blogged about my family life. My last entry was actually in 2010. Gosh, thats almost 14 years ago. Life's b...