I havent been spending much time with Trenyce eversince Kaden arrives and I feel really guilty about this. I guess Trenyce can feel that I have neglected her too. I tried to 'salvage' our relationship by bringing her out, just the two of us, whenever I can. Be it simply a marketing trip to the supermarket or merely going downstairs to collect the letters from the mailbox. I also tried to make it a point to join her for her Saturday music class at Yamaha if possible. She is currently attending Music Wonderland, a course designed for those aged between 3.5 to 4yo kiddies.
Trenyce was especially bored this June holidays. Besides the weekly music class, there wasnt any activity arranged for her. It was the 1st time, after so long, she didnt have a proper holiday during the school holiday season. We all know why it was so. I wanted to bring her to Zoo initially but didnt manage to get the free tix from company and its not worth to spend ten over dollars for a place we been to so frequently...then there is the Bird Park which I managed to get hold of the tix but didnt go afterall cos of the distance. Luckily, a few days just before the school holidays was about to end...SMRT had organised a special event,‘Tales on SMRT Trains’, to go along with their environment friendly theme "Go Green with SMRT".
Trenyce was especially bored this June holidays. Besides the weekly music class, there wasnt any activity arranged for her. It was the 1st time, after so long, she didnt have a proper holiday during the school holiday season. We all know why it was so. I wanted to bring her to Zoo initially but didnt manage to get the free tix from company and its not worth to spend ten over dollars for a place we been to so frequently...then there is the Bird Park which I managed to get hold of the tix but didnt go afterall cos of the distance. Luckily, a few days just before the school holidays was about to end...SMRT had organised a special event,‘Tales on SMRT Trains’, to go along with their environment friendly theme "Go Green with SMRT".

I specially took leave from work to bring her on a ride on the MRT to participate in the one-hour activity. It was the first time Trenyce listened to stories from professional storyteller, and listening to the stories onboard a train makes it an even interesting experience for her.
Trenyce waiting for the bus at the bus-stop.
Little gal waiting inside the MRT station.
Little gal waited till sian already. Imagine we "reported" at the station at 2.30pm when the event is to start at 3.00pm.
This is Auntie Rose (hope I spelled correctly :p)
The storytellers were decked in green attire to complement the storytelling theme.
I was observing my girl throughout the entire journey from Ang Mo Kio to Tiong Bahru MRT stations. She was very attentive and response whenever the storyteller, aka auntie Rose, asked questions. I can see that she throughly enjoyed herself with the Earth Tales, poems and rhymes. She simply loves it and has already requested me for more of such activities! haha....
After the event ended, we alighted at Tiong Bahru for some snacks. We had Macdonalds upon Trenyce's request. *WOW* After the makan, we headed back to the MRT station and went home. It was nice bonding with Trenyce....something which I havent been able to do for a long time. I hope I will be able to do so more often with my happy gal.
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