“The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.” ~~Morrie Schwartz~~
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Kaden can sit up!
We spotted Kaden sitting up on his own yesterday evening. It was actually Trenyce who noticed it. I was at the kitchen then washing his milk bottles. He had just finished his milk and I have put him on the bouncer. Trenyce was sitting right in front of him, 'entertaining' him....then she saw him, moving from a lying position to a siting position! She shouted: "aiyo aiyo, Kaden can sit on his own now...he very clever leh...." hahaha.....
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Kaden is teething!
MIL called me on Monday morning (14 July08). From her tone, she sounded very excited. Hmm...wondering what's happening at home. Guess what, she's spotted two tiny little teeth sprouting in Kaden's mouth!
Oh my oh my, Kaden is only 4.5mo and he is teething already? Aiyo so early?!?! I mean based on his drooling we are half expecting him to have his set of baby teeth soon but not so soon lah. Haha...looks like Kaden will beat his sister in reaching his milestones.
And oh btw, he is trying to stand already before he even can sit properly. hehe.... Very ambitious boy eh! haha! Mood: Exciting Milestone: 5 months old
Oh my oh my, Kaden is only 4.5mo and he is teething already? Aiyo so early?!?! I mean based on his drooling we are half expecting him to have his set of baby teeth soon but not so soon lah. Haha...looks like Kaden will beat his sister in reaching his milestones.
And oh btw, he is trying to stand already before he even can sit properly. hehe.... Very ambitious boy eh! haha! Mood: Exciting Milestone: 5 months old
Trenyce & Kaden with grandma (13 July 2008)
Photos were taken by my bro at my mother's place last Sunday. The kids were happy posing with their grandma. Its been a while since they last took any pics together. Trenyce looked very 'mature' in the pic. Cant imagine my gal is turning 4yo this yr. Hmm...doesnt she looked more like a 6yo rather? Hehe...
Kaden in his new bouncer (13th July 2008)
We got Kaden a new bouncer from the great Robinsons sales as he has outgrown his current one which was previously used by his sister. We liked this fisherprice bouncer as it can be used as a rocker when the infant turns toddler (weighing apprx 18kg), that is roughly when he is about 3-4yo :)
Managed to film Kaden playing his new 'big toy':p See his mouth moving and putting everything he can grab into his mouth? Its an obvious clue thats he's teething...heh
Mood: Playful Milestone: 4 months old
Managed to film Kaden playing his new 'big toy':p See his mouth moving and putting everything he can grab into his mouth? Its an obvious clue thats he's teething...heh
Mood: Playful Milestone: 4 months old
Mdm with her kids (12th July 2008)
I have always been asked by friends why is it that I wasnt in the pics with my kiddies. Simply becos I am always the camera woman...and most importantly I dont think I look good in front of the camera now with my shaggy face...
Anyway, hubby managed to take a pic of me together with my kiddies. This is one of the rare collections I ownd!;)
Kaden playing with his feet
We noticed that eversince he was able to flick, his next favourite 'hobby' was playing with his own feet. He would grasp his feet tightly and at times, we could see him trying to bring his feet near to his mouth as if he wanted to munch them *blab*
Kaden ah Kaden ah, how tasty do you think your feet will be? :p
Managed to catch him action on video! ;)
Kaden flicks on his own!
Kaden has finally learnt how to flick on his own. The grandparents spotted him doing that 3days before I managed to video it live. Good for you, Kaden! :)
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Kaden falls sick
Kaden had just recovered from sickness 3 days ago. He was very sick for the past few days after his 2nd polio injection last friday (4th July08). I was so heartbroken to see him struggling at his every medicine feeding .....he would cry till his voice turned sore. I dread going through this process with him. Thing is he has to take 4 types of medicine...4 types for a 5mo, can you imagine! My poor darling....
Luckily we made the decision to see Dr Anthony Chee from ABC (Anthony's Baby Clinic in short) on thursday for his cough and phelm. It has been 6 days already and Kaden has only recovered from the cold and fever. His cough and phelm are still stubbornly "hanging around".
This was what had happened....
4th July 2008, Singapore
Went to Hougang polyclinic for Kaden's 2nd Polio injection. As usual, the nurse would take his weight and height before she started the procedure. Kaden weighed 9.6kg, 66cm long. The nurse said Kaden is slightly overweight and is short of 2cm to be at his current weight.
5th July 2008, Singapore
Kaden started to get feverish the very next morning. I gave him the kiddy panadol but it didnt seem to help. He was also having running nose and cough, coupled with some phelm. Poor boy, he is seriously sick for the very first time. I had to stay awake at night to sponge him several times. We also put the fever band on his forehead. Kaden was quite resistent at first when we put the fever band on his forehead...he would cry very loudly. Eventually he got used to the cool temperature on his forehead and was very cooperative whenver we wanted to stick for him.
6th July 2008, Singapore
Kaden didnt seem to get better. Instead, he was getting worst...could feel his warm body. He was having mild fever even during the day. I dont feel good about it. Its Sunday and Dr Anthony's clinic is not opened. What to do now? I was so worried, "cant wait anymore, must bring him to see pd" I told hubby. We left home hurriedly. We decided to try our luck at Bishan central, bring him to see any pd we can find there since there is a few baby clinics around that area. We are quite fortunate that we managed to find one baby clinic opened. Well, perhaps not so as his medicine was not effective. I dont quite like this pd as he was not very attentive in finding out what's wrong with Kaden. He just briefly answered my qns and sent us out already. The whole session lasts the most 10mins! It costs us almost a hundred for that visit.
7th to 9th July 2008, Singapore
It had been 4 days after we saw the pd and Kaden had not fully recovered from his illiness. Although the fever had subsided and the running nose is slightly better, the cough and the phelm were still as bad. I was worried that it would affect Kaden's health as it had been more than 5days already since he fell ill. Not sure if it would affect his lungs and respiratory organs etc. To be safe, we decided to bring him to see our trusted pd, Dr Anthony. The problem is his clinic is only opened on certain nights and we can only see him the next day.
10th July 2008, Singapore
I called in the morning to register ourselves but the clinic does not take "orders" for evening visits in the morning. I could only call again to register when the clinic opens at 6.30pm. Kiasu me started calling at 6.25pm and managed to get an appointment at 7.30pm. Had to be this kiasu as this clinic is popular and the appointments fill up very fast.
The first thing Dr Anthony Chee did was to carry over my baby, put him on his lap, and then asked us what's wrong. He then put a toy in front of Kaden before he started examining him. Kaden was very obedient, he didnt fuss around.
We showed him Kaden's medicine prescribed by the Bishan pd. Guess what? He said the medicine given is not correct and wont help Kaden. He told us to stop those medicine and gave us something else. He also got Kaden on a mask thingy for about 5-10 mins. This is to help relieve his phelm and his slightly congested lungs (Thank god we came early otherwise his lungs could be affected). Within 2 days, we didnt hear the 'fluffy' sound that comes along whenever Kaden tries to breathe. Kaden has recovered fully from his illiness! Hurray!
What I really liked about Dr Anthony is that he will take efforts to listen to your 'worries' and explained to you in very layman ways after he examined the baby, and most importantly his medicine is very effective. He is also very gentle with babies..will actually play with the baby for a while before he starts examining the baby as if to get the baby to 'warm up' to him. So although I have to pay near to a hundred for this visit, its every cent worth!
Luckily we made the decision to see Dr Anthony Chee from ABC (Anthony's Baby Clinic in short) on thursday for his cough and phelm. It has been 6 days already and Kaden has only recovered from the cold and fever. His cough and phelm are still stubbornly "hanging around".
This was what had happened....
4th July 2008, Singapore
Went to Hougang polyclinic for Kaden's 2nd Polio injection. As usual, the nurse would take his weight and height before she started the procedure. Kaden weighed 9.6kg, 66cm long. The nurse said Kaden is slightly overweight and is short of 2cm to be at his current weight.
5th July 2008, Singapore
Kaden started to get feverish the very next morning. I gave him the kiddy panadol but it didnt seem to help. He was also having running nose and cough, coupled with some phelm. Poor boy, he is seriously sick for the very first time. I had to stay awake at night to sponge him several times. We also put the fever band on his forehead. Kaden was quite resistent at first when we put the fever band on his forehead...he would cry very loudly. Eventually he got used to the cool temperature on his forehead and was very cooperative whenver we wanted to stick for him.
6th July 2008, Singapore
Kaden didnt seem to get better. Instead, he was getting worst...could feel his warm body. He was having mild fever even during the day. I dont feel good about it. Its Sunday and Dr Anthony's clinic is not opened. What to do now? I was so worried, "cant wait anymore, must bring him to see pd" I told hubby. We left home hurriedly. We decided to try our luck at Bishan central, bring him to see any pd we can find there since there is a few baby clinics around that area. We are quite fortunate that we managed to find one baby clinic opened. Well, perhaps not so as his medicine was not effective. I dont quite like this pd as he was not very attentive in finding out what's wrong with Kaden. He just briefly answered my qns and sent us out already. The whole session lasts the most 10mins! It costs us almost a hundred for that visit.
7th to 9th July 2008, Singapore
It had been 4 days after we saw the pd and Kaden had not fully recovered from his illiness. Although the fever had subsided and the running nose is slightly better, the cough and the phelm were still as bad. I was worried that it would affect Kaden's health as it had been more than 5days already since he fell ill. Not sure if it would affect his lungs and respiratory organs etc. To be safe, we decided to bring him to see our trusted pd, Dr Anthony. The problem is his clinic is only opened on certain nights and we can only see him the next day.
10th July 2008, Singapore
I called in the morning to register ourselves but the clinic does not take "orders" for evening visits in the morning. I could only call again to register when the clinic opens at 6.30pm. Kiasu me started calling at 6.25pm and managed to get an appointment at 7.30pm. Had to be this kiasu as this clinic is popular and the appointments fill up very fast.
The first thing Dr Anthony Chee did was to carry over my baby, put him on his lap, and then asked us what's wrong. He then put a toy in front of Kaden before he started examining him. Kaden was very obedient, he didnt fuss around.
We showed him Kaden's medicine prescribed by the Bishan pd. Guess what? He said the medicine given is not correct and wont help Kaden. He told us to stop those medicine and gave us something else. He also got Kaden on a mask thingy for about 5-10 mins. This is to help relieve his phelm and his slightly congested lungs (Thank god we came early otherwise his lungs could be affected). Within 2 days, we didnt hear the 'fluffy' sound that comes along whenever Kaden tries to breathe. Kaden has recovered fully from his illiness! Hurray!
What I really liked about Dr Anthony is that he will take efforts to listen to your 'worries' and explained to you in very layman ways after he examined the baby, and most importantly his medicine is very effective. He is also very gentle with babies..will actually play with the baby for a while before he starts examining the baby as if to get the baby to 'warm up' to him. So although I have to pay near to a hundred for this visit, its every cent worth!
Banana in pajamas
I didnt realise I had prepared the same colour pajamas for my kiddies. It turned out both of them were wearing the same colour pajamas - Yellow, one night. Both of them looked so cute like they are wearing some sort of uniform haha...Hmm....reminded me of banana in pajamas...hehe!

Mood: Creative
Yamaha Music School
Took some pictures on one of the days (28 June 08) when I attended the music class with Trenyce at Yamaha Music School.

Kaden on the car seat
We took Kaden out for a ride on one of the Saturdays, 28th June 2008. The intention was to purchase a new TV set for our home as the current one is showing signs of 'aging'...We wanted to go Plaza Singapura initially but the queue to the carpark was so long we decided to go elsewhere. Hence popped over to Marina Square, thinking there may be an electrical store like Best Denki or something but we were wrong haha....Things like that are bound to happen when we seldom go city shopping haha...
Anyway, what I want to highlight is that, this was the first time Kaden was on a car seat. He seemed to enjoy the different 'view' he is getting from where he is sitting. The funniest thing though was he started crying whenever the car stopped at the traffic light...haha...the car has to keep moving!
Kaden playing with his feet
Kaden lifting his head very well
Coincidentally, I took these pictures on the day Kaden turns 4mo officially. Although at that time, he wasnt able to flick very well yet and still needs some assistance from us...we noticed he was able to lift his head quite well, no longer 'digging' his face on the bed.
Grandfather took these pictures for Kaden when he spotted him lifting his head while lying on our bed. Another big step forward to lifting his head up. Well done Kaden! Pictures were taken on 26th June 08.
Kaden: Duckie, let me demostrate how to lift your head up ;p Mood: Exciting
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Spending Time with Trenyce: Tales on SMRT Trains
I havent been spending much time with Trenyce eversince Kaden arrives and I feel really guilty about this. I guess Trenyce can feel that I have neglected her too. I tried to 'salvage' our relationship by bringing her out, just the two of us, whenever I can. Be it simply a marketing trip to the supermarket or merely going downstairs to collect the letters from the mailbox. I also tried to make it a point to join her for her Saturday music class at Yamaha if possible. She is currently attending Music Wonderland, a course designed for those aged between 3.5 to 4yo kiddies.
Trenyce was especially bored this June holidays. Besides the weekly music class, there wasnt any activity arranged for her. It was the 1st time, after so long, she didnt have a proper holiday during the school holiday season. We all know why it was so. I wanted to bring her to Zoo initially but didnt manage to get the free tix from company and its not worth to spend ten over dollars for a place we been to so frequently...then there is the Bird Park which I managed to get hold of the tix but didnt go afterall cos of the distance. Luckily, a few days just before the school holidays was about to end...SMRT had organised a special event,‘Tales on SMRT Trains’, to go along with their environment friendly theme "Go Green with SMRT".
Trenyce was especially bored this June holidays. Besides the weekly music class, there wasnt any activity arranged for her. It was the 1st time, after so long, she didnt have a proper holiday during the school holiday season. We all know why it was so. I wanted to bring her to Zoo initially but didnt manage to get the free tix from company and its not worth to spend ten over dollars for a place we been to so frequently...then there is the Bird Park which I managed to get hold of the tix but didnt go afterall cos of the distance. Luckily, a few days just before the school holidays was about to end...SMRT had organised a special event,‘Tales on SMRT Trains’, to go along with their environment friendly theme "Go Green with SMRT".

I specially took leave from work to bring her on a ride on the MRT to participate in the one-hour activity. It was the first time Trenyce listened to stories from professional storyteller, and listening to the stories onboard a train makes it an even interesting experience for her.
Trenyce waiting for the bus at the bus-stop.
Little gal waiting inside the MRT station.
Little gal waited till sian already. Imagine we "reported" at the station at 2.30pm when the event is to start at 3.00pm.
This is Auntie Rose (hope I spelled correctly :p)
The storytellers were decked in green attire to complement the storytelling theme.
I was observing my girl throughout the entire journey from Ang Mo Kio to Tiong Bahru MRT stations. She was very attentive and response whenever the storyteller, aka auntie Rose, asked questions. I can see that she throughly enjoyed herself with the Earth Tales, poems and rhymes. She simply loves it and has already requested me for more of such activities! haha....
After the event ended, we alighted at Tiong Bahru for some snacks. We had Macdonalds upon Trenyce's request. *WOW* After the makan, we headed back to the MRT station and went home. It was nice bonding with Trenyce....something which I havent been able to do for a long time. I hope I will be able to do so more often with my happy gal.
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Writing Again
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