I begin to wonder if its true that women with kids will need to work extra hard to maintain their “outlook” as compared to before they have kids? To be honest, I am quite lazy when it comes to these facial routines. I find it very time consuming and also expensive :p Well, guess I got to do something about it.
Then I remember the Cantonese culture of eating a lot of those “tong shui” to maintain their youthful look so I decided to try out this method. Afterall, I have a free teacher (my mother’s a Cantonese) to guide me on the cooking. So no worries! :D
Yesterday, I cooked my first "tong shui" - Beancurd skin with gingko nuts, eggs, barley. The Cantonese called it “Fu zhu” (I think). Heard its very nourishing for the complexion. Comments from my PIL, hubby & colleagues were encouraging. I have therefore decided to cook one “tong shui” every week!
Hope I am not too ambitious!