Hubby and I had a nice little break recently when my little girl went along with the grandparents for a 2-weeks getaway at Semenyih, Selangor. They were there to visit my SIL who had just given birth to a cute little baby boy, Matthew. It was nice especially since it had been a while since we both have some private time to ourselves.
Yah I know I should have been more active in updating my blog since my little girl is not around. However, work just come piling in at the same time when she is away so no choice really. Actually I have quite a couple outstanding posts. I will backdate them from 21st June onwards. Here it goes....
21 Jun06
Trenyce began her 2-weeks summer holiday. This was the 1st time she's been this far away from us for so long. Quite reluctant to let her go but cant be help. We sent them to Tanjong Pagar Railway Stn in the morning on our way to work.

This is Trenyce with grandfather at Tg Pagar Railway Stn.
For the rest of the days without my little girl, I was submersed fully into work and meeting up with long-time-no-see friends whom I have not met up for a yr or so. Long eh? My girlfriends teased me that I am back on my bachelorhood for the 2 weeks haha. But I missed my little girl terribly. Though hubby spoke to her everyday on the phone, I tried not to otherwise I will miss her even more. I told myself to wait patiently for 5th July to drive up to KL to see her.
5-8th July06
Finally the day arrived. We left house at 5plus am and by 11am, we already reached Semenyih. (can see how anxious we are to see our little dearie right?)
We spent a good 4 days in KL. Celebrated Matthew's full month, visited MegaMall/Twin Towers/KLIA/Sepang F1 Formula Circuit. I have covered all major attractions of Malaysia within my short stay. The only pity is that we didnt manage to get the tix to cross the bridge binding the twin towers. Hubby promised to come again and fulfilled my dream :p
1st Kaikai Day - PJ Area
We went to PJ on our 2nd day, visit hubby's auntie new house before we stopped over at the Megamall.
This is Trenyce with her Uncle Joshua. Dont see him so young, he can play drums really well. The drum set behind them belongs to Joshua.

Lets move on to Mid Valley MegaMall. I love the food court there! They have very nice food selections as compared to the one we had at Semenyih :p I tried the penang fried kway teow. Bagus! The desserts, however, were a little too sweet. Hubby's penang laska was yummy too.
Our first stop was the MEGA Pet Shop called Pets Wonderland. This was Trenyce's favourite. She refused to leave and we have to hoax her out of the shop. I also took pics of some interesting displays at the megamall.

This is Pets Wonderland. Huge huh. I think we cant find any of this size in Spore yet.

This is a sportswear shop.

This is a room accessories shop. Nice logo eh.
This is a guitar shop. There is quite a huge collection.