Time flies. Kayleen is going to be 6months soon which means I have bf her for a good 6months! Wow! Didnt imagine myself to breeze thru it. Honestly, bf is very tiring. Very deprived of sleep. Like right now, Im waiting to pump before I sleep. I feel guilty whenever I missed my 'pumping' time cos that means I will have less bm for Kayleen. For example, I shld have 30ml for every hr..if Im pumping at 5hrs interval, I should have 150ml but sometimes I get so busy, I get to pump like 2 or 3 hrs after my usual schedule, I probably will end up with 30-50ml bm lesser.
Therefore, travelling is a headache for me cos I usually want to hurry home to express the bm. Even our recent trip to Labis (Malaysia), we skipped the idea of going to Malacca bcos I was worried that it will affect my bm expressing schedule. We havent tried going anywhere beyond our house except inlaws' place yet so I really duno how to handle expressing bm if we go KL? The thought of bringing all the pumping barang and the washing, sterilising etc at a foreign place is enought to turn me off...
Hmmm.... so when will I be going for my holiday again?