Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Trenyce in action!

Trenyce is currently at this stage where she enjoys pretence games. One moment she will pretend to be a doctor, then teacher, then singer, then Elephant! etc....

1. Trenyce, the singer!

See how she sings! Really use her full lungs to portray the sound eh! kekeke

2. Trenyce, the future head mistress!

ahhh....she can be very fierce...see how she 'forces' the little puppy toy to respond after her...future head mistress quality? *shakes head* haha...

3. Trenyce, the artist

We bought some painting sets recently. Actually, its my idea...saw the kids from Playhouse Disney programs enjoying their painting session..and Trenyce looks like she very envys..so got the set for her, also take this opportunity to teach her colours hehe :)

She enjoyed painting so much that she is even willing to forgo the almost daily night routine -- strolling every other evening with the grandparents at the void deck, simply to wait for hubby or myself to set up the painting stuff for her.

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